Yorkshire Photographic Union Results 2018

Stuart Marsden had a wonderful result. He submitted five digital images - and all achieved a degree of success. Two were accepted for the "slideshow" which is of the best 200 or so images and which is itself an achievement. But, in addition to that, he received two commendations (certificates) and won the "best in class" and has been given a trophy!! So all five were successful - fantastic!!
In addition to that, Elise Garland, Paul Tymon and John Turner each had a print accepted (which again means that they are in the best 200 from the 1455 entered). Hopefully they will make it into the print portfolio which we will have at the club, probably early in the new year.
It was therefore a very good day for Scarborough P S. We came 11th in the PDI table (out of approximately 70 clubs) and 17th in the "Overall" table.