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Members - Competition Image Sizing


Most digital image files need to be downsized before being handed in to the Competitions Secretary. No loss of quality will be visible on screen when this is done.

  • Landscape images should be resized to a maximum of 1600 pixels wide x maximum 1200 pixels high and ·Portrait images to maximum 1200 pixels high.

  • Resolution may be entered as 96 dpi (although this is of no practical significance) but images should be saved in JPEG format at Maximum Quality (12).

  • Each image submitted must also be given a special FILENAME consisting of your membership number and the title of the image, e.g. 10_The_ Angler.jpg, saved in the JPEG format.




(Note there are many ways to do this, this is just one of them)


In My Documents set up a new Folder (e.g. CompEntry)

Copy your competition entry images into this folder so you do not affect the original.

First check the image quality, especially Levels and Colour Balance. (Remember that projected images tend to appear lighter than when viewed on a PC screen.)


Then for each image:

Image > Resize > Image Size


In the Image Size dialogue box:

  • Start with the Resample box not ticked and set the Resolution to 96dpi if you wish then

  • Tick Resample box and enter Bicubic Sharper.

  • Tick boxes for Scale Styles and Constrain Proportions.

  • Set Width to 1600 if image in landscape format (but Height must not exceed 1050).

  • Set Height to 1200 if image in portrait format.

  • OK

Next go to File > Save As and in the dialogue box:-

  • Save in your new folder, (e.g. CompEntry)

  • File Name e.g. 10_The_Angler.jpg (the jpg extension may be added by the programme automatically)

  • Format must be JPEG (not JPEG2000)

  • Save

  • When the JPEG dialogue box comes up set Quality 12 Maximum

  • OK


SUBMISSION – using a USB stick or by email

Copy the processed competition images onto a USB Key/Flash Drive/Memory Stick and bring this in on the competition entry night. It will probably be necessary for the Competitions Secretary to keep your USB stick until the following week. Please therefore, ensure an identifier is attached to each one.

OR Email as attachments to EMAIL 


Note: If you get really stuck do not be afraid to ask for help or ask someone to do it for you.

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