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Members - Competition Info


Up to 3 prints and 3 digitals per member, note that prints and digitals are judged separately.

Prints - size approx A4 up to A3 and mounted.

Mount size up to 500mm x 400mm, preferably backed with title on reverse

Digitals – size 1600 x 1200 pixels submitted on flash drive (returned following week) or emailed with title as standard attachments to EMAIL.

Entries can be colour or monochrome.

This is the chance to test your own pictures and to listen and learn from the (internal) judges’ comments.




1. Focus, Bridlington – 15 prints and 15 digitals from each club, note that prints and digitals are judged separately.

2. York Camera Club – 12 prints and 12 digitals from each club, note that prints and digitals are judged separately.

3. Three Way with Kirkbymoorside and Malton – 15 digitals from each club.

Sizing as for the Annuals.

The aim is to use the best work of a good number of members and experienced judges are chosen from neutral clubs.



Annual exhibition for which approx 200 prints and 200 digitals are accepted from 1500 or so entries in each category submitted by members of approx 40 Yorkshire photographic clubs.

Mounts must be 500mm x 400mm within which the photograph may be any size although most are approx A3. Good backing is strongly advised.

Digital size 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels.

Each member is permitted to enter six prints and six digitals in one or more of the two colour and two monochrome classes in each category.

Note the definition of acceptable natural history entries.

Entries are awarded marks by three judges of national standing working simultaneously.

See the contact page for the YPU representative of the society who will supply full details in the New Year.


PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain)

Digital only, size 1600 x 1200 pixels.

Two Sections:

Open – 15 entries (no natural history) from at least 6 members and no more than 4 from any individual.

Nature – minimum 3 and maximum 21 entries, no more than 3 from any individual.

Note definition of acceptable entries.

Entries submitted before Christmas and marked early February by judges of national standing.

To date over 150 clubs across Great Britain have taken part and some of the best amateur photography seen.

Awards for winning clubs and certain individual efforts.

All clubs receive disks of the best entries.

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